The Kennedy Center explains it in-depth HERE.
Both Pomaika'i Elementary School and the Maui Arts and Cultural Center are partners with the Kennedy Center.
I've seen again and again how this approach leads to students creating meaning in relation to the material. They are invested in the subject matter through their brains, but also through their emotions, and sometimes through their bodies. The depth of learning is real.
The partnerships with the Kennedy Center results in many professional development seminars available to Maui teachers and teaching artists each year. At the Maui Arts and Cultural Center I attended seminars on arts
integration and classroom protocols for teaching artists,
co-teaching, teaching with the big questions, and more.
excellent learning experience was the 2010 Summer Arts Institute,
where over 5 days Sean Layne taught drama as a classroom management
strategy and tableau as a learning tool, and Melanie Layne led the
teachers through a project teaching biography via printmaking.