Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Big Brothers Big Sisters Art to Go artworks were on display at Whole Foods Maui from August through October 2014, as well as a large painting of my own.

During our opening, a young member of the AKAKU YBEAM came and filmed an excellent video about the project and exhibit.  Watch the video here.

Eric of BBBS, and his wife Genell, who helped hang the show.  (Working with tall ladders, wires, and lots of art as people eat breakfast, and then lunch at Whole Foods is FUN!)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Kula School Art Show--Approaching Fast!

I'm spending this Spring Break organizing the art that my students, K-5th, created this year in art class.  April 10th, 6pm, at Kula Community Center, will be the show.  I am firing up the kiln, counting artworks, sitting in the community center sketching out how I will arrange the tables and hang the art.  The school used to do an event like this years ago.  Each student had one piece in the show.  I'm aiming for an average of two per student.  I am also coordinating to have students be Art Ambassadors.  They will run tables where people can try out some of the techniques students learned this past year.
I just wish the show would get to be up for more than one night!

21st Century Skills, Technology, and standing Bloom on his Head

This is a video project I did as a part of my coursework for my teaching credential through Teach Now's online project-based program.
Our essential question for this project: How can we use technology to teach 21st Century Skills?
Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication are essential parts of learning for the quickly-changing world we live in--and an area of education where I tend to get excited.

This video has two parts.  The first section is a cut-out animation of my philosophy for integrating technology and 21st Century Skills.  From the 1:55 time mark I cover several apps and online tools that could be used to creatively and collaboratively research, collaborate, problem solve, and publish a project, in this case, relating to 4th grade Social Studies curriculum about pre-contact Hawaiian culture.  In re-viewing my project, I feel that, with scaffolding, 4th graders could do it, but that it is very applicable to a middle school environment.